Soil is acidic, neutral, or alkaline depending on its chemical composition. Acidic soil has a pH lower than 7.0 (neutral).Different plants need different soil. Modifying soil to make it more acidic or alkaline is a common practice when keeping plants. To make soil more acidic you can add the ingredients listed below, but use caution when making adjustments. You can also add timed release
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The process of adapting a plant to a different environment. This is usually a undertaken in slow stages. Seedlings are typically acclimated to outdoor environments by allowing them more and more time outdoors in gentle weather after having been germinated indoors, in a cold frame, or in a greenhouse.This is a glossary entry that will help you understand some of my blogs better. Plants have a
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How To Start a Vermicomposting Bin
You can make fertile, odorless compost, even if you live in an apartment. If you want to go green in your garden or with your houseplants, why not start a vermicomposting bin? Vermicomposting uses worms to convert newspaper and table scraps into some of the best compost around. All it will take is some space in a closet or basement, table scraps, and a small bin. Oh, and the worms! It's easy, and
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Make Peppermint Ointment
The menthol in peppermint relieves aching muscles and joints. This peppermint ointment is easy to make. It has a milder and more refreshing aroma than over the counter mentholated products, but has the same benefits. If you haven't made a medicinal or cosmetic preparation yet, this is a good one to start out with.Peppermint Ointment1 cup olive oil1 cup fresh peppermint leaves½ oz beeswax1 vitamin
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Make Dill Bread
An excellent choice with fish, egg dishes, or potato soup, this dill bread is light and fluffy. Use your bread maker for this one. I like to make dill bread when we have salmon steaks. It's also a hit with shrimp scampi. Another added bonus is that leftover bread can be made into croutons that go great on salads.Dill Bread RecipeWet Ingredients1 unbeaten egg3/4 cup feta cheese (heated to room
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Dandelion Jelly
I am a lover of herb related rubs, blends, jellies, vinegars, an oils. I post quite a few myself, but found a beauty I wanted to share from the new herb site.Amy Jeanroy has her site looking great, and has posted a wonderful recipe for dandelion jelly. I don't know about you, but one summer when I was in my teens, I read Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury and have had a soft spot in my
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Lemon Balm Vinegar
This lemony vinegar makes a great light dressing for fruit salad as well as an interesting and unexpected addition to asparagus, broiled pork, and steamed carrots.Lemon Balm Vinegar Recipe1½ cups chopped lemon balm leaves3 cups white vinegar¼ cup sugar¼ cup honeyPlace lemon balm in a clean wide mouth jar and cover with vinegar. Seal tightly. Allow to age in a cool, dark cupboard for six to eight
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Getting Ready for the Holiday
I'm going to do a little Sunday recap for all those folks out there who'll be cooking Thanksgiving dinner. I've been writing content for the food section of, a Discovery Channel website. They have lots of interesting cooking related information.This is stuff you might not easily find elsewhere, like how to cook a meal for ten in an hour, why kids love ketchup, and who invented the
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Comfrey in the Garden
As a medicinal herb, comfrey (Symphytum officinale) was so prized that it was called "knitbone" and "bruisewort" as a tribute to its miraculous healing powers.
Although there are modern concerns about taking comfrey internally, it is still recommended as an external preparation for skin problems, cuts, sprains, burns, and to reduce swelling. Comfrey's leaves and root can contain a cornucopia of
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Although there are modern concerns about taking comfrey internally, it is still recommended as an external preparation for skin problems, cuts, sprains, burns, and to reduce swelling. Comfrey's leaves and root can contain a cornucopia of
Ten Gardening Safety Tips
Spring herb gardening is in full swing, so I thought I'd throw up a few reminders for all of us:Bend from the knees, and don't pick up objects heavier than you can handle.Take a moment to put on your garden gloves. They protect more than your fingernails. Gloves can also protect you from cuts and bug bites.Drink plenty of water in hot weather.If you are going to be working in the sun, wear a
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Planting Tansy
Tansy is a hardy perennial with fernlike leaves. In the garden it does double duty as a nice fill in plant, and as a great insect repellent.Growing TansyPlant tansy in a spot that gets good morning sun and some afternoon shade. It prefers well-drained soil that stays on the dry side. A lavish spreader, be sure to give your plants plenty of room. In fall, the dense, flat, yellow flowers can be
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Make a Five Star Herb Vinegar
If you want deluxe vinegar for your vinaigrette, marinades, sauces or stews, here is a wonderful addition to your cooking arsenal that will use some of your first fresh herb crop this spring. Remember to clean all the herbs well, and try to harvest them in the morning before the temperatures start to heat up. Oh, and if the end product is a bit strong for your taste, you can mix it with plain
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Photo From my Kitchen