Well, after most of the planning, shopping, worrying, cleaning and baking are out of the way (we probably all have wrapping left to do), Christmas is nigh -- as they used to say. As hectic and demanding as the holidays are, I still love them. Sometimes I love them more in hindsight, it's true. Luckily for me, after the hoopla dies down, memories of a handful of delightful, touching and
Merry Christmas from the Herb Gardener
Well, after most of the planning, shopping, worrying, cleaning and baking are out of the way (we probably all have wrapping left to do), Christmas is nigh -- as they used to say. As hectic and demanding as the holidays are, I still love them. Sometimes I love them more in hindsight, it's true. Luckily for me, after the hoopla dies down, memories of a handful of delightful, touching and
Dental Injuries
Dental Injuries occur to face and mouth. It is also called dental trauma. Especially the teeth, lips and periodontium are traumatized. It is due to a number of causes.
Accidents within and around the home are the major sources of injury to the primary dentition while accidents outside home and school are accounted for most of the injuries to the permanent dentition. The most frequent type of injury could be a simple crown fracture of the maxillary central incisors in both primary and permanent dentition, especially if anterior teeth are proclinated. Commonly, soft tissues such as the tongue, lips and inner cheeks are also damaged.
Accidents within and around the home are the major sources of injury to the primary dentition while accidents outside home and school are accounted for most of the injuries to the permanent dentition. The most frequent type of injury could be a simple crown fracture of the maxillary central incisors in both primary and permanent dentition, especially if anterior teeth are proclinated. Commonly, soft tissues such as the tongue, lips and inner cheeks are also damaged.
What are the Causes of Dental Trauma/ Injuries?
- The most vulnerable periods or peak periods:
- 1 to 3 years: Usually unsteady of their legs and lacking in proper sense of caution)
- 7 to 10 years: Most of the injuries because of participation in contact sports, e.g.- football, hockey, kabbadi, basketball etc)
- Adolescence
- Acute changes in barometric pressure
- Piercing in tongue and lips
- Class II malocclusion
- Accidental falls
- Automobile accidents
- Blow during fights etc.
What are the Common Types of Dental Injuries?
- Fractures of tooth
- A knocked-out tooth or avulsed tooth
- Displaced tooth
- Soft tissue laceration (commonly lips and the gingival)
What might be the Primary Protection?
i. Playground surface:
- A well-cushioned grass-laden resilient surface will serve the purpose.
- Indoor games (e.g. badminton, basketball etc) should be played on a good non-slippery surface.
- Slides should not be free standing but should be build into earth mounds.
- Supervision of the small children during play is probably the most effective way of preventing the dentofacial trauma in small children.
Majority of dental injuries occurs on upper front teeth (one/more). Avocations of mouthguard by dental profession (not yourself) to all person, especially children and adolescent involved in contact sports is justified.
Hypertension/ High blood pressure is persistent rise of blood pressure above normal limit in respect of age and gender. It occurs when diastolic pressure is greater than 90 mm-Hg and systolic pressure is above 140 mm-Hg. If we look around, we can see, lot of people is suffering for it. Most of cases people it don’t show any significant symptoms. So, they don’t realize, even if their health condition become worsen day by day. So, it is called silent killer.
- Normal blood pressure- below 120/80 mm-Hg
- Pre-hypertension- 120-139/80-89 mm-Hg
- High blood pressure stage 1- 140-159/90-99 mm-Hg
- High blood pressure stage 2 - higher than 160/100 mm-Hg
Age: Male- commonly above ages 35, Female- after menopause.
What are the classifications?
Types are-
- Primary or Essential
- Secondary
Why it occurs?
Causes are-
A. Primary or Essential: There are no specific causes. But, probable causes are-
- Genetic inheritance
- Psychological stress
- Dietary factor: Obesity, high salt intake, high alcohol etc.
- Socioeconomic status
- Environmental factor
- Humoral factors: High renin, reduced NO, ANP etc.
- Neurotransmitter
B. Secondary:
- Renal disease: Glomerulonephritis, Pyelonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease.
- Endocrine disease: Pheochromocytoma, Cushing's syndrome, Acromegaly etc.
- Cardiovascular causes: Coarctation of aorta.
- Drugs: Oral contraceptives, Anabolic steroids, Vasopressin etc.
What are the Symptoms?
1. It may be asymptomatic.
2. Patients may present with complications due to hypertension such as-
- Congestive cardiac failure
- Progressive renal failure
- Hypersensitive encephalopathy
- Cerebral hemorrhage of infarction (stroke)
- Hypertensive retinopathy
3. Occasionally headache.
When to Go to a Doctor?
If you have recurring headaches, numbness and tingling, lethargy frequent, nosebleed, confusion or blurred vision, chest pain or tightness, go to a doctor immediately or this silent killer can be life threatening.
Ways of Prevention are-
- Eating a nutritious low fat diet.
- Decreasing salt intake.
- Reduce dietary sugar.
- Exercising such as walking periodically. But, if you are in high risk group, take doctor's advice about it.
- No smoking, no drinking alcohol.
- Control weight (according to age). If you are fat, weight loss must be necessary.
- If you have above symptoms or, even if you don't have any problems, check your blood pressure every month for at least 1 time (for above 35 year of ages).
- Routine health examination.
- If doctor gives you blood pressure medication, follow it regularly.
- Reduce stress.
- Performing physical activity such as daily activities.
What can happen if it left untreated?
Chronic Hypertension Complications are-
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
- Stroke/ transient ischemic attack
- Kidney failure
- Eye damage with progressive vision loss
- Peripheral arterial disease causing leg pain with walking
- Outpouching of aorta,called aneurysms
- Brain hemorrhage
The Best Hot Rum Toddy Recipe Ever
If you like rum and only try one new recipe for the holidays, make it this one. This little beauty will make you tolerant of discarded wrapping paper, glasses off their coasters and uncovered goodies littering the shelves of the refrigerator. Let me put it this way: A rum toddy or two can be positively medicinal during the holidays -- in the nicest possible way.
I've made this concoction
Possibility of Malaria Vaccine
Recently scientists researched on a new malaria vaccine. Lab test showed, it has the ability to neutralize all strains of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. There is no licensed malaria vaccine till now. But, this vaccine named PfRH5 has the possibility. It's tested on rabbits in laboratory.
There are 4 types of malaria parasite. Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for nine out of 10 malaria death. It's the most serous type of malaria. The route which malaria uses to enter blood cells is found by the scientists recently. Parasites usually change their strains. So, immune system does not recognize and vaccine doesn’t work nicely. But, scientists said that, they had been able to knock down every strain they had been able to produce in the laboratory. Really it's exciting news.
Vaccine against malaria is very hard to develop. Because, parasites antigens is the target of vaccine, but, malaria parasites tend to be genetically so diverse. The RH5 antigen doesn't show this diversity. So, it could be a good target for a vaccine to exploit.
According to the study, P. falciparum depends on a particular molecule, RH5, to gain access to red blood cell. The protein RH5 latches onto a specific receptor molecule on the surface of blood cells. Thus, it unlocks a gateway for the parasites and parasites enter into red blood cells and they grow, replicate and cause malaria. The new vaccine induces an immune response against RH5 to stop the lock turning and keep the door shut.
Scientists said, very soon there will be a safety tests on the vaccine. If it's successful, clinical trials in patients could begin within the next two or three years.
Women Who Smoke Develop More Skin Cancer Than Men
We know smoking causes several Medical Problems and Dental Problems Recently a study found that, women who smoked over a span of at least 20 years could have double the risk for developing squamous cell skin cancer. But, both squamous and basal cell cancer are less in men even though they smoke 20 years.
But, reason of this difference is still unknown. Excessive exposure to sunlight is the main reason of skin cancer. But, now a day both men and women expose to sunlight equally. Specialist said, maybe lung cancer research can explain it. Hormonal difference affecting the metabolize of nicotine and the body's ability to repair damage to lung DNA caused by smoking may be the reason. The female hormone estrogen may play a important role.
Basal cell and squamous cell cancer are two form of skin cancer. They are less aggressive than deadly melanoma. Basal cell cancer which occurs in dermis is more common than squamous cell cancer that occurs in epidermis (Epidermis- the top layer of skin, Dermis- the skin layer beneath the epidermis). Squamous cell skin cancer has the ability of spreading to other organs. But, basal cell cancer doesn't.
In study, 383 skin cancer patients were compared to 315 people who were free from the disease. Among them 355 were male and 343 were female. All were white. Reason is this group is most at risk for developing skin cancer. They were asked about when they began smoking, the amount they smoked and the total number of years they had been smokers. Both cancer risk groups were analyzed separately. Report said that, more an individual had smoked, more their chances for developing this cancer. In research it was found that, men who have basal cell cancer, smoked continuously at least 20 years. But, men who don't have it, they didn't smoke like that. The research revealed that, there is a link between smoking and the risk for skin cancer. But, still it didn't prove a cause and effect.
It was also said that, though women had more chance to have skin cancer, men are more likely to develop it overall. It was added that, it is possible men skin is more sensitive to sun exposure than women's. Cause maybe, maximum men don't use sunscreen or, other protection from sun.
Finally, I want to say you all that, smoking have no benefit, only harmful effect for our health. Many people who smoke think that, smoking make them smart. But, it’s extremely wrong. Reality is this habit cost their life. So, please, never ever smoke or, if you smoke, give up now.
Cervical Cancer Screening: HPV Test Beats Pap Test
Recently, a study shows that, HPV test is more accurate than Pap test to detect cervical cancer for women over age 30. It is the cancer of the cervix. It is causes by human papilloma-virus. Difference between 2 tests is Pap test checks for cell changes in that cervix and HPV test checks for the virus DNA.
In Netherlands, about 45000 women (aged 29-56) were studied. They were spited into 2 groups. First group got human papilloma-virus test in addition to a papanicolaou test and second group got only Pap test. 5 years later, all women were screened again and 2 groups got both test. Result shows that,
first time women who didn’t get an HPV test had more cancerous lesions than women who had it. Human papilloma-virus test improves detection of precancerous changes. Thus, it can prevent more cervical cancers from developing. First there was a doubt about infections. But, after study, report says that, the test didn't pick up infections that would have likely cleared on their own.
first time women who didn’t get an HPV test had more cancerous lesions than women who had it. Human papilloma-virus test improves detection of precancerous changes. Thus, it can prevent more cervical cancers from developing. First there was a doubt about infections. But, after study, report says that, the test didn't pick up infections that would have likely cleared on their own.
Some experts predicted that one day this test could be the primary test for cervical cancer which occurs approximately 80% in developing countries. It can be cured if it’s detected early. But, in late stage, it can be life threatening. As single HPV test can predict the risk of cervical cancer chance in older women, preventive steps can be taken to minimize it.
Diabetes Mellitus (Type Two)
Diabetes Mellitus is a clinical condition characterized by increased blood glucose level due to insufficient insulin or decreased sensitivity of the tissues of insulin.
What are the Classifications?
Mainly 2 types-
i. Diabetes Type one.
ii. Diabetes Type two.
Diabetes Type Two:
It is the most common type of diabetes. It is a metabolic disorder. It occurs for resistance to insulin action and inadequate insulin secretion. It is a chronic medical condition. It needs regular monitoring and treatment throughout his/her life. If a patient can control his/her habit and good life style and follow doctor’s advice, he/she can live happily. It’s caused by genetic and environmental factors. The most commonly it’s occur after 30 years of age. But, now a day, it’s occurring at younger and younger ages. Reasons are- increased rate of children obesity, inactivity in children dietary fat intake etc. Few pregnant women can develop it. But, now, most women with diabetes can have a safe pregnancy and delivery.
What are the Signs and Symptoms?
- 3 classical features (3P) -
- Polyuria - frequent urination
- Polydipsia - increased and excessive thirst
- Polyphagia - increased and excessive hunger
- Tachycardia
- Weakness
- Unexplained weight loss
- Others-
- Dehydration
- Bladder, skin, and vaginal infections
- Hypo-tension
- Hypothermia
- Muscle wasting
- Confusion
- Drowsiness
- Hyperventilation
- Acidosis and coma.
What are the Complications?
It is possible to keep diabetes in control. But, if it’s late to diagnose or after diagnosed, patients doesn’t follow doctor’s suggestions, severe complications can occur. Even it can be life threatening. Complications are-
- Diabetic retinopathy/Blindness
- Diabetic nephropathy/Renal failure
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic myopathy
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Delayed healing ulcer
- Fungal infections
- Hypertension Premature atherosclerosis
- Obstructive labor, abortion, stillbirth etc.
Sometimes, diabetes patients take diabetes control medicine without checking blood glucose level or without doctor’s advice, though they don’t need it. In such condition, glucose level can go under normal range and serious condition can occur. To prevent it, consult to doctor and follow advice regularly.
What are the Investigations?
i. Blood glucose - diagnosis confirmed by:
Fasting plasma glucose- 126 mg/dl (7.8 µmol/l) or above.
Random plasma glucose- 200 mg/dl (11.1 µmol/l) or above.
ii. Oral glucose tolerance test
iii. Urine testing for glucose, ketones and proteins.
It’s necessary to check blood sugar level regularly for a patient. They should know the urine test method. It’s a simple method and can be done at home. But, for more accuracy they can buy blood glucose test machine. For its simple method, it can be performed at any time, if someone has doubt of increased glucose.
Criteria of the Patients Who Should Be Considered for Diabetes Testing:
1. Persons with common signs and symptoms of diabetes.
2. All individuals above 40 years of age (repeat at 3 years interval).
3. Individuals with hypertension (> 140/90).
4. Obesity.
5. History of 1st degree relations with diabetes.
6. Women with gestational diabetes.
7. Presence of impaired glucose tolerance on previous testing.
8. An HDL cholesterol level less than or equal to 35 mg/dl or TG level greater than or equal to 250 mg/dl.
What is the way of Prevention?
Though diabetes is one of the common types of Medical Problems in adult , many people don’t concern about it. Maximum people like sugar rich foods. After 30 years of age, they should reduce taking these foods. But, few of them, don’t care about it. Sometimes, diabetes patients take sugar rich foods occasionally, when their blood glucose in normal range. But, a patient should not do it. Because, it can be life threatening. With increasing age, someone should be careful about a well balanced diet and keep weight in normal range in respect of age and height. They should perform physical activity.
i. Exercise- It is most important.
ii. Keep weight in normal range in respect of age and height.
iii. Diet- use diet low in calories and in saturated fat.
iv. Reduce eating of sugar/ sugar containing foods.
v. Stop taking hydrogenated vegetable oils.
vi. Take less carbohydrate food (rice, white, dry cereals etc).
If a woman develops diabetes during pregnancy, special care must be taken or, both mother and child can be in danger.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The Secret to Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies and Other Holiday Baking Tips
My husband and I used to make well over a hundred dozen Christmas cookies every year. The process grew from our early successes until we became a kind of amateur cookie factory operating from a residential zip code. Santa's elves had nothing on us. We worked diligently over two weekends in December and invested in all the pretty wrapping, ribbon and tins to decorate our projects. We tested new
Knocked-out Tooth/ Avulsed Tooth
It is one of the common types of Dental Injuries. Lot of people don’t know that, knocked-out tooth can be re-implanted. So, they don’t take any necessary step.
Sometimes, avulsed tooth is lost. But, they don’t try to find, even if it’s near them. Re-implantation of tooth as soon as possible is the best way. So, you have to act quickly. Preserve the tooth and go to a dentist immediately with it.
Sometimes, avulsed tooth is lost. But, they don’t try to find, even if it’s near them. Re-implantation of tooth as soon as possible is the best way. So, you have to act quickly. Preserve the tooth and go to a dentist immediately with it.
What is the First Aid for an Avulsed Tooth?
- Primary tooth: A primary tooth that has been avulsed is usually not re-implanted. The risk of injury to the developing permanent tooth bud is high. So, do not try to re-insert it yourself. Go to a dentist.
- Permanent tooth: After avulsion, do the following step by step-
- Do not touch the root of the tooth; handle it by the crown only.
- Rinse the tooth off only if there is dirt covering it.
- Do not scrub or scrape the tooth.
- Preserve tooth in normal saline, milk, buccal mucosa/ between your cheek and gum to prevent drying. Milk is the ideal.
- Control bleeding with sterile gauze or cloth.
- To re-implant tooth, go to dentist immediately (within 6-8 hours after avulsion). If late, there’s less chance of re-implantation.
If you can’t go to doctor immediately, do the following-
- Rinse mouth with warm water.
- Reinsert permanent teeth into the correct sockets with gentle pressure and hold it in position. Don't try to force it.
Dentist will do these:
- Attempt to re-implant the tooth into the socket with gentle pressure and hold it in position.
- Tetanus prophylaxis should be considered if the dental socket is contaminated with debris.
If re-implantation is not possible, you don’t need to worry. Your missing tooth can be restored by dental implant which is so natural in appearance.
What is the way of Prevention of Knocked-out Tooth?
- Use helmet and Mouthguard.
- Supervision of the small children.
It is also known as mouth protector. It covers teeth and gums and protect them from Dental Injuries.
What are the Functions of Mouth Protector?
- They hold soft tissues of the lips and cheeks away from the teeth, preventing laceration and bruising of the lips and cheeks against the hard and irregular teeth during impact.
- They cushion the teeth from direct frontal blows and redistribute force that would otherwise have caused the fracture or avulsion or dislocation of anterior teeth.
- They prevent opposing teeth from coming into violent contact reducing risk of tooth fracture and damage to supporting structure.
- They provide the mandible with resilient support, which absorbs impact that might fracture the unsupported angle or condyle of the mandible.
- They are psychological assets for contact sport athletes.
What are the Types?
- Stock
- Mouth-formed
- Custom-made (most satisfactory in terms of acceptability and comfort)
What are the Indications?
- It should be used by anyone during sports such as football, boxing, hockey, basketball, lacrosse etc.
- In bruxism, it’s used to prevent tooth attrition.
- It’s used as splint in TM-joint disorders.
- In dentistry it's used in many work.
How to Take Care of Mouthguard?
- These should be washed with soap and water immediately after use.
- These should be dried thoroughly and stored in a perforated box.
- Rinse in a mouthwash or mild antiseptic immediately before use again.
What is the Life of Mouthguard?
A mouth protector constructed for a child in the mixed dentition may need to be renewed once a year. Once the occlusion is established if well looked after should not last for two and three years.
How to Make Spicy Mustard
Mustard is a bit like wine. Everyone has a favorite. Good mustard can enhance the flavor of everything from salmon to salad dressing, so sticking with the same old imported mustard (or selecting standard ballpark yellow mustard) is just unimaginative. If the idea of spending a fortune to expand your mustard repertoire doesn't appeal to you, give mustard making a try. It's fun and pretty easy.
What are the Types?
- Simple:
i. Endemic
ii. Sporadic
- Toxic:
i. Diffuse
ii. Nodular
Why it occurs?
Causes are-
- Dietary iodine lack.
- Increased secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone.
- Inability of glands to take up iodine.
- Deficiency of deiodinase enzyme.
- Goitrogenic substances in food (cabbage)
What are Goiter Signs and Symptoms?
Sometimes patients come to doctor with symptoms. Common features are-
- Large swelling in the neck (no specific size)
- Swallowing difficulty
- Breathing difficulty
- Hoarseness
- Feeling tightness in throat
What is the way of Prevention?
- By taking iodized salt and sea foods.
Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis
Thyrotoxicosis is a hyper-metabolic condition. It is caused when circulating levels of T3 and T4 are elevated. It is often referred to as hyperthyroidism. Because, the most commonly it is caused by hyper-function of the thyroid gland.
What are the Thyrotoxicosis Causes?
- Graves’ disease
- Thyroiditis
- Toxic Goiter
- Thyroid adenoma
- Hyper-fuctioning thyroid carcinoma
- Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism
- Neonatal thyrotoxicosis associated with maternal graves’ disease
- TSH- secreting pituitary tumor (rare)
What are the Thyrotoxicosis Signs and Symptoms?
- Unexplained weight loss
- Palpitation
- Increased pulse pressure
- Nervousness
- High state of excitability
- Muscle weakness
- Heat intolerance
- Warm and soft skin
- Sweating
- Diarrhea
- Extreme fatigue but inability to sleep
- Hyperphagia
- Fine tremor of the outstretched finger
- Exophthalmoses in Graves disease
- Increased BMR
Thyroid Problems
Thyroid glands are situated on either side of the trachea below the larynx. Two lobes are connected by isthmus. It's one of the highest vascularised organs in the body.
They have 2 types of cells-
They have 2 types of cells-
i. Follicular cell- secretes thyroxin or, tetra-iodothyronine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) hormones.
ii. Para-follicular cell- secretes calcitonin.
What are the Abnormalities of Thyroid Function?
(Please click the following links/points to know details about that disease) -
a. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is caused by deficiency of thyroid hormones. It has 2 types based on age.
i. Cretinism (in children)
ii. Myxedema (in adulŧ )
b. Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism is caused by increased secretion of thyroid hormones.
ii. Thyrotoxicosis
c. Goiter
d. Thyroiditis
e. Tumors
From these, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are common problems.
What are the Thyroid Function Tests?
- Measurement of total serum T4 and T3.
- Measurement of free T4 and T3.
- TSH estimation.
- Radioactive iodine uptake by thyroid gland.
- Thyroid biopsy.
- Thyroid scan.
- Measurement of BMR.
- Determination of blood sugar and blood cholesterol level.
Graves’ Disease
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disease caused by circulating thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin which causes hyperactivity of Thyroid gland. It is also called graves hyperthyroidism.
Age: It can occur at any age. But, the most commonly it occurs in 30-50 years of ages. It is more common in women.
What are Graves’ disease symptoms?
i. Exophthalmoses (Protrusion of eyeball).
ii. Tremor of the hands.
iii. Muscle weakness.
iv. Extreme fatigue but inability to sleep.
v. Nervousness and other psychic disorder.
vi. Mild to extreme weight loss.
vii. Varying degree of diarrhea.
viii. Increase sweating with warm and soft skin.
What is Cretinism?
It is severe hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy or childhood.
It is severe hypothyroidism in adulŧ.
It is severe hypothyroidism during fetal life, infancy or childhood.
What are Cretinism Causes?
- Lack of thyroid gland congenitally.
- Maternal iodine deficiency.
- Inborn errors of thyroid hormone synthesis.
- Maternal anti-thyroid antibodies which cross the placenta.
- Fetal hypo-pituitary hypothyroidism.
- Lack of iodine in diet.
What are Cretinism Signs and Symptoms?
- Stunted growth.
- Delayed milestone of development.
- Pot-bellied abdomen.
- Enlarged and protruding tongue with dribbling of saliva
- Skeletal growth is more interrupted than soft tissue growth.
- Protruding umbilicus.
- IQ- below normal.
- Severe mental retardation.
- Skin is rough, dry, wrinkled and scanty.
What is Myxedema?
It is severe hypothyroidism in adulŧ.
What are Myxedema Causes?
- Primary goitrous Hypothyroidism-
- Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
- Sub-acute thyroiditis.
- Endemic iodine deficiency.
- Primary non-goitrous hypothyroidism-
- Radioactive iodine therapy
- Spontaneous thyroid atrophy (atrophic myxedema)
- External radiation
- Surgical ablation
- Secondary Hypothyroidism-
- Pituitary disease
- Peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones.
What are Myxedema Signs and Symptoms?
- Face- Puffy, non pitting edematous swelling and bagginess under the eyes.
- Skin- Cool, dry, yellowish and doughy.
- Hair- Sparse and coarse.
- Voice- Frog like husky.
- Unexplained weight gain.
- Cold intolerance, lethargy.
- Mental sluggishness.
- Slowed heart rate.
- Enlarged heart.
- Fatigue and drowsiness, loss of appetite.
- Extreme muscular sluggishness.
Oral Hygiene
Oral Hygiene Tips:
- Brush teeth regularly (minimum 2 times in a day). Use soft-bristled toothbrush. Follow proper method of tooth brushing. Change brush after every 1 or 2 month. Recommendation for use of fluoride tooth paste:
- For children below 4 years: Fluoride tooth paste is not recommended.
- For children 4-6 years: Brushing daily once with fluoride tooth paste and other two times without paste.
- For children 4-6 years: Brushing twice daily with fluoride tooth paste and once without paste.
- Above 10 years: Brushing three times with fluoride paste.
- Without tooth paste (mentioned above), do not use fluoride containing substances without doctor/dentist's advice.
- Clean teeth and mouth with water every time after taking foods.
- Floss minimum 2 times in a day.
- Reduce sweet and sticky foods. Wash your teeth properly every time after taking these foods.
- Floss at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth
- Clean your dentures well.
- Brush your tongue.
- Even if you brush and floss your teeth regularly, all plaque or calculus can’t be removed. More plaque develops with time. So, regular professional tooth cleaning is very important. For this purpose visit your dentist every six to 12 months.
Tooth Caries
What are the Factors?
It is a multi-factorial disease involving the following factors-
- The host- particularly saliva and teeth.
- The micro-flora and their substrate.
- Diet.
- Time.
Caries Bacteria-
- Streptococcus mutants
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Streptococcus sobrinus
- Streptococcus mitis
- Streptococcus sanguinis
- Streptococcus salivarius
- Actinomyces
What are the Classifications of Caries?
a) According to anatomical site of the lesion:
- Pit and fissure (occlusal) - It is most common type of dental caries that occurs on the occlusal surface of molars and bicuspids.
- Smooth surface - There are two variations of smooth surface caries. They are-
- Buccal and lingual surface caries.
- Proximal surface caries (inter-proximal)
b) Based on severity and progression:
- Rampant: It occurs as a sudden, rapid and almost uncontrollable destruction of teeth involving surface of teeth that are ordinarily caries free. Proximal and cervical surfaces of anterior teeth including mandibular incisors get affected.
- Nursing: It is a specific form of rampant decay of the primary teeth of infants and toddlers. It is a unique pattern of dental decay affecting maxillary primary incisors in young children due to prolong nursing habit especially when the child is sleeping. This is also named as baby bottle tooth decay or early childhood caries. The main cause for this type of caries is inappropriate of feeding bottle or will breast feeding or combination of both and poor oral hygiene.
- Radiation: This is a common complication of radiotherapy of oral cancer lesions and radiation induced Xerostomia. Such patients develop rampant dental caries. Xerostomia may be caused by factor other than radiation like-
- Tumour of salivary glands
- Autoimmune disease
- Anti-sialagouge drugs
- Prolonged illness
c) Based upon part of tooth structure involved:
- Enamel
- Incipient
- Linear enamel (odontoclasia)
- Dentinal
- Cemental
d) Based on activity:
- Primary
- Secondary (recurrent)
- Residual
- Arrested
Root Caries
Recession of gingival margin is an inevitable reason for poor oral hygiene and loss periodontal attachment with age. Gingival recession is a prerequisite for exposure of a root surface. It is commonly seen in older people. Root lesions are very vulnerable to mechanical damage.
What are the Risk factors for Root Caries?
- Age
- Gender
- Fluoride exposure
- Systemic illness
- Medication
- Oral hygiene
- Diet
- Salivary change
Dental Caries
How can Dental Caries Caries formation be prevented?
Ways of Prevention are-
- Oral Hygiene practice (follow the link)
- Examine your teeth regularly if there any caries or not.
- If patients go to dentist before formation of cavity, tooth structure can be regenerated. But, it is not possible, if the cavity is formed. If it is too late, caries reaches the dental pulp and condition become worsen.
- Reduce intake of cariogenic sugar (sucrose).
- Reduction of sugar intake.
- Active and passive immunization.
- Avoid frequent sucrose intake.
- Stimulate salivary flow and sugar clearance.
- Water and other type of fluoridation (by consulting a dentist, not yourself).
- Prevention during post eruptive maturation.
- Pit and fissure sealing.
- Re-mineralizing solution.
- Properly contoured restoration.
What are the Dental Caries Signs and Symptoms?
- At early stage a chalky white spot appears on tooth surface. Gradually the spot can become brown and a cavity (a pit or hole) is formed. This area becomes soft to the touch.
- Dental pain in tooth is the main symptom. Deeper the cavity, more the pain.
- Pain can worsen when it exposes to hot, cold, sweet foods and drinks.
- Tooth tenderness.
- Foul taste in mouth.
- Bad breath.
- Red or swollen gums.
What are the Dental Caries Complications?
- Gingivitis
- Dental abscess
- Tooth loss
- Submandibular swelling
How can Dental Caries be Treated?
If you have symptoms, go to a dentist for Treatment. He can do the following-
- In early stage, he can apply a fluoride varnish, gel or paste to stop decay.
- If cavity is already formed, he will remove the decay and restore tooth with filling.
- If nerve is damaged, he will perform root canal treatment and will remove the nerve. Then, he will restore tooth with filling or a crown.
- If tooth is seriously damaged, removal of the tooth is the only way.
A Few Tips and Tricks as Christmas Approaches
I'm in the middle of so many Christmas Projects that it looks like Santa's sleigh exploded in my living room. I have to admit, the chaos looks pretty nice, actually. I have some quick miscellaneous tips and suggestions that may help with your holiday planning -- and hopefully with less mess than I've gotten myself into:
Wrap Your Presents with Fabric
Consider wrapping some presents in fabric
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Wrap Your Presents with Fabric
Consider wrapping some presents in fabric
Giving Meaningful Holiday Gifts
My family has always been heavily invested in giving gifts at Christmas. It's the biggest outlay of cash we spend all year long. The gifts themselves are sometimes practical, occasionally silly and always carefully planned to please. Finding the right present and watching the happy reaction when it's opened is pretty darned satisfying, even if it can get pricy. I have to admit that in the past
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Christmas Gifts to Make