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Diabetes Mellitus is a clinical condition characterized by increased blood glucose level due to insufficient insulin or decreased sensitivity of the tissues of insulin.
What are the Classifications?
Mainly 2 types-
i. Diabetes Type one.
ii. Diabetes Type two.
Diabetes Type Two:
It is the most common type of diabetes. It is a metabolic disorder. It occurs for resistance to insulin action and inadequate insulin secretion. It is a chronic medical condition. It needs regular monitoring and treatment throughout his/her life. If a patient can control his/her habit and good life style and follow doctor’s advice, he/she can live happily. It’s caused by genetic and environmental factors. The most commonly it’s occur after 30 years of age. But, now a day, it’s occurring at younger and younger ages. Reasons are- increased rate of children obesity, inactivity in children dietary fat intake etc. Few pregnant women can develop it. But, now, most women with diabetes can have a safe pregnancy and delivery.
What are the Signs and Symptoms?
- 3 classical features (3P) -
- Polyuria - frequent urination
- Polydipsia - increased and excessive thirst
- Polyphagia - increased and excessive hunger
- Tachycardia
- Weakness
- Unexplained weight loss
- Others-
- Dehydration
- Bladder, skin, and vaginal infections
- Hypo-tension
- Hypothermia
- Muscle wasting
- Confusion
- Drowsiness
- Hyperventilation
- Acidosis and coma.
What are the Complications?
It is possible to keep diabetes in control. But, if it’s late to diagnose or after diagnosed, patients doesn’t follow doctor’s suggestions, severe complications can occur. Even it can be life threatening. Complications are-
- Diabetic retinopathy/Blindness
- Diabetic nephropathy/Renal failure
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic myopathy
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Delayed healing ulcer
- Fungal infections
- Hypertension Premature atherosclerosis
- Obstructive labor, abortion, stillbirth etc.
Sometimes, diabetes patients take diabetes control medicine without checking blood glucose level or without doctor’s advice, though they don’t need it. In such condition, glucose level can go under normal range and serious condition can occur. To prevent it, consult to doctor and follow advice regularly.
What are the Investigations?
i. Blood glucose - diagnosis confirmed by:
Fasting plasma glucose- 126 mg/dl (7.8 µmol/l) or above.
Random plasma glucose- 200 mg/dl (11.1 µmol/l) or above.
ii. Oral glucose tolerance test
iii. Urine testing for glucose, ketones and proteins.
It’s necessary to check blood sugar level regularly for a patient. They should know the urine test method. It’s a simple method and can be done at home. But, for more accuracy they can buy blood glucose test machine. For its simple method, it can be performed at any time, if someone has doubt of increased glucose.
Criteria of the Patients Who Should Be Considered for Diabetes Testing:
1. Persons with common signs and symptoms of diabetes.
2. All individuals above 40 years of age (repeat at 3 years interval).
3. Individuals with hypertension (> 140/90).
4. Obesity.
5. History of 1st degree relations with diabetes.
6. Women with gestational diabetes.
7. Presence of impaired glucose tolerance on previous testing.
8. An HDL cholesterol level less than or equal to 35 mg/dl or TG level greater than or equal to 250 mg/dl.
What is the way of Prevention?
Though diabetes is one of the common types of Medical Problems in adult , many people don’t concern about it. Maximum people like sugar rich foods. After 30 years of age, they should reduce taking these foods. But, few of them, don’t care about it. Sometimes, diabetes patients take sugar rich foods occasionally, when their blood glucose in normal range. But, a patient should not do it. Because, it can be life threatening. With increasing age, someone should be careful about a well balanced diet and keep weight in normal range in respect of age and height. They should perform physical activity.
i. Exercise- It is most important.
ii. Keep weight in normal range in respect of age and height.
iii. Diet- use diet low in calories and in saturated fat.
iv. Reduce eating of sugar/ sugar containing foods.
v. Stop taking hydrogenated vegetable oils.
vi. Take less carbohydrate food (rice, white, dry cereals etc).
If a woman develops diabetes during pregnancy, special care must be taken or, both mother and child can be in danger.
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