


12 Ways To Stay Slim Diet And Exercise

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No need to go to the gym every day or diet desperately to keep your body ideal. Improve the daily life style as used for breakfast, eat small meals and the other will also keep your body slim. Want to know the habits of what can keep the weight without exercise? Here are 12 ways to keep your body slim without diet and exercise:

1. Vegetable
Make sure half of your meals filled vegetables. Vegetables contain fiber and water that will facilitate digestion and keep your body weight.

2. Small portions

If you want to stay slim, always message your food in small portions. A nutritionist, Stephanie Middleberg, MS, RD, CDN advised to always order the small size, good for coffee, soup, or frozen yogurt.

3. Salad or Soup
Before getting into the main menu, do not forget to order a salad or soup, or other than a basket of bread. Salads and soups contain fewer calories but can fill the stomach, so you do not need to eat much food as the main way out.

4. Leave Food
Before starting to eat, make it a habit to set aside a quarter of your meals. For the rest of your meal with a friend or spouse when eating together.

5. Drink Lots of Water
Sometimes you do not realize if you're really hungry or just thirsty? For that, try drinking a glass of water every time you feel like eating something. You can also add lemon juice for extra flavor and vitamins.

6. Avoid Eating at Home TV
When watching a movie, it is nice if accompanied by a favorite snack. But without realizing it, you will continue to chew and hard to stop eating. If the stomach feels hungry when you're watching, grab a snack or eat fiber-rich fruits.

7. Wheat

Eating foods that contain whole grains like whole wheat bread, it would be better than regular bread. Wheat will make the stomach full longer, keep blood sugar levels and gives the body the vitamins and minerals. Unlike the bread made from wheat flour which will turn into fat if not burned.

8. Breakfast

Before starting the daily activities, do not forget to have breakfast. Breakfast is useful for metabolic processes and also prevent you from eating excess calories in the evening.

9. Start Exercising
Exercise is good for health and also keep the body shape. No need to always go to the gym to stay healthy, start with the daily habits such as walking or climbing stairs at least 3 hours a week.

10. Avoid Eating By Sleep

Another way to keep your weight is not eating before you sleep. Calories provide energy to the body, and you do not need energy when sleeping.

11. Do Sachet Sugar Consumption

Enjoy a coffee or tea will taste less sweet without sugar. But avoid using sugar packs or sachets. Just one teaspoon of sugar if you want to add sweetness to your drink, or it could also replace sugar with honey or maple syrup.

12. Snack
Before going for a walk with the people closest to, make sure you eat something like fruit or vegetable so that the stomach does not feel empty. If you go with an empty stomach, you will order more food than you need.

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