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12 Best Sources of Vitamin E - 12 Source Vitamin E (Tocopherol) Best For Body. Vitamin E has so many benefits for humans. First to increase endurance, reduce stress, prevent cancer, help fertility genitals, and prevent heart disease. However, vitamin E is more developed for skin care ingredients. Because the benefits of vitamin E for skin include: protection from UV rays, keeping moisture, and prevent premature aging of the skin.If the intake of vitamin E is less on body, the red blood cells are easily damaged and then split. This situation can cause damage to the muscles and nervous system. Here are the sources of Vitamin E the best that can be consumed to meet your daily vitamin E requirement.

Below are 12 Best Sources of Vitamin E
1. Avocados
Vitamin E in avocado too much. avocados contains vitamins to 11 and 14 minerals needed for the body. This avocado was a lot of benefits for the body. In addition to free radicals, can also prevent stroke and reduce blood cholesterol.
2. Mango fruit
Mango fruit also contains vitamin E. Vitamin E that contained in mango fruit as much as 2 to 3 mg every mango. Because by eating mangoes can benefit a lot. The benefits of eating mangoes are: nourish the eyes, keeping the digestive process in the body, keeping the constipation, and prevent acidity. Improve memory and memory in the brain. And also can prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as to fight diabetes.
3. Kiwi fruit
Kiwi fruit has a low fat content, it does not mean that the kiwi fruit does not contain a lot of vitamin E. In 100 grams of kiwi fruit contained 1.5 mg of vitamin E. Kiwi fruit has also been used as a source of energy drinks to increase stamina because it contains electrolytes to the body.
4. Paprika
Peppers, red peppers and no green peppers contain vitamin E. While there is no yellow peppers vitamin E in it. For the red pepper contains vitamin E 1.58 mg in each 100 mg of red peppers. As for the green peppers that contain vitamin E 7.4 mg for every 100 mg of green pepper. Efficacy peppers are: reducing the risk of cancer, heart health, lowers blood cholesterol levels.
5. Bananas
The content of vitamin E in bananas is not as much as the other vitamins. Such as vitamin C and 44 mg in bananas. Naturally though vitamin E remains slightly. Benefits of banana can be used as a skin moisturizer masks, diarrhea and constipation as well as a cure anemia.
6. Spinach
Spinach is very beneficial for the body because it contains a lot of fiber. Very good for people with diabetes because it can absorb glucose remaining in the intestines. Were also able to reduce levels of cholesterol and bile acid binding. The more consumed, cholesterol, fats, bile acids will more often be issued.
7. Asparagus
Asparagus is a vegetable like grass. This vegetable is typical with beneficial to facilitate urinary tract, improving the performance of the kidneys, and low in calories and contains no fat. This vegetable is widely grown in the United States, because these vegetables come from there. Asparagus also contains vitamin E. So that it can be consumed to fulfill your requirement of daily vitamin E.
8. Broccoli
In contrast to the above vegetables, broccoli nutrients to vegetables, especially vitamin E are known. For 100 grams of vegetables broccoli contained 0.75 mg of vitamin E. Usefulness is a cancer-preventing vegetables.
10. Vegetable Oil
Switch from cooking oil to vegetable oil. In addition to having a low cholesterol, vegetable oil also contains vitamin E, which is quite high. One tablespoon of vegetable oil which is made from cotton seed contains about 4.8 mg of natural vitamin E that will make you stay radiant skin.
11. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are commonly found in many types of cuisine could actually give vitamin E intake for our body. ¼ cup tomato paste contains 2.8 mg of natural vitamin E, about 1/5 of the needs of our body ie 15mg per day.
12. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower Seed called kwaci, it could be a snack for us. Sunflower seed contains nutrients that are good for the body, such as Vitamin E. Each one ounce of dried sunflower seeds contains 7.4 mg Vitamin E natural. In addition, the oil is also used for processing food with natural vitamin E.
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