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If you are still confused to recognize which foods are high and low in calories,start with a fresh fruits and vegetable. In addition to these two foods,there are four more that have very low calorie content:
1. Spices
Fresh or dried herbs can help your weight loss process. So,forget the sauces and salad dressings are high in fat and use the same spices delicious in flavor but contains far fewer calories. One clove of garlic contains only four calories,but it make the food taste so much more delicious. Meanwhile,parsley leave are only 1o calories,and cinnamon-containing six calories,can make your food taste more varied.
Fruits such as oranges,apricots,watermelon,lemon,peach,raspberry,blueberry,strawberry included in list of foods that contain fewer calories. Fibrous fruits and if you lack a lot of water,also called nutritional experts as `food that contains negative calories`. That is,the amount of calories safely and can meet the daily needs of the body with enough. Not excessive. Fruit is also easy to digest and can be processed by the body perfectly.
3. Vegetable
as with any fruit that has a `negative calories`,many kinds of vegetables are also low in calories but rich in nutrients. For example,carrots,cucumbers,radishes,broccoli,tomatoes,celery,lettuce,cabbage,leeks and spinach. These vegetables make our intestines function properly and helps the body use calories more than you eat. This makes the ideal body shape so it`s good for the digestive process.
4.Low fat cheese
A good and healthy diet have always advocated to reduce the levels of calories consumed.
Therefore,choose foods that are low in calories but still nutritious and they taste good. Low-fat cheddar cheese contains only 20 to 40 calories per share,depending on how big the pieces and how much cheese you consume.
5. White boiled eggs
Egg white is one of the foods with a low calories which is equal to 16 calories. So,you can still take two or more egg white without having to worry about the amount of calories consume.
legumes such as peas,beans,lentils or peas contains only 25 calories in each serving (about 3.5 ounces or the equivalent of 98 grams). So if you use the process and creating with other herb plants,it will produce delicious meals that are low in calories.
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