


Earth Day Activities

If you love to garden, you probably have a greater appreciation for and sense of responsibility to the Earth we all share. Earth Day falls on April 22nd this year and every year, so after you finish your taxes (ugh), take some time to perform one Earth friendly task in honor of the big blue marble.

These days kids are pretty ecologically aware, but you can still bring home some important
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Cooking with Herbs

Lots of people love to cook with herbs -- in theory -- but approach them with caution in practice. Here's why: Herbs do impart flavor and aroma to food. In some cases they can add texture, too. A little thyme in an omelette can make those mild, fluffy eggs taste earthy and richer (more robust) somehow. Add too much, though, and you end up with a pile of yellow curds that smell and taste moldy
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Herbs in the Garden

Herb lovers enjoy establishing special spots for their favorite plants. They may be modified flowerbeds, borders or rows along a vegetable patch. They may be decorative wagon wheels accessible via crushed stone walkways or dozens of pots assembled cheek by jowl against the worn wooden side of a shed or garage. There are lots of ways to dedicate a spot for herbs, but most people starting out
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How to Grow Curry Plant

Curry plant is a curious and interesting little herb that may not be in the top five or ten choices on your herb wish list but definitely deserves your consideration.

Fast Facts About Curry Plant

Helichrysum italicum or curry plant is a tender perennial. Outdoors, it does best in U.S. zones 8 to 11. It can't tolerate a hard frost. It prefers soil that drains well, full sun and warm conditions
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Happy Easter from the Herb Gardener

I wanted to pop in and offer my best wishes for the day. Even if you don't celebrate Easter, for many it's the real rather than the official start of spring.

In a surprising number of U.S. locales, the weather seems too good to be true this spring. We are a few weeks away from the frost free date in my part of the Midwest, so I've held back from a big push in the garden. I've been
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Easter Herb and Vegetable Tips

If you're preparing Easter dinner this year, here are some tips that will make the most of your ingredients and maybe give your menu a little added zip:

Herb conversion - If you're cooking with herbs and have some fresh varieties around, the conversion from fresh to dry is three to one. That means for every tablespoon of fresh herbs in a recipe, use 1 teaspoon of dry herbs. The flip side of
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Oral Candidiasis (Oral Thrush)

Oral Candidiasis or Oral Thrush is an infection caused by the candida fungus in the mucus membrane lining of the mouth and tongue.

Why Does Oral Thrush Occurs?

Candida fungus Causes oral thrush. Small amounts of the candida fungus always stay in a healthy mouth and on healthy skin that are normally kept in check by immune system and other bacteria and microorganisms living in the body naturally. So, they usually don’t cause any harm. But, when immune system becomes weak, infection may occur. The following factors can increase the chances of getting oral thrush:
  • Being in generally poor health
  • Being a baby or very old
  • HIV infection or AIDS
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Cancer
  • Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation
  • Untreated or uncontrolled Diabetes mellitus
  • Drugs that suppress your immune system
  • Use of excessive antibacterial mouthwash
  • Steroid medication
  • Severe Anemia
  • Lacking iron, folic acid or vitamin B12
  • Smoking
  • Wearing dentures
  • Lupus
  • Tongue piercing
  • Pregnancy

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Oral Thrush?
  • Whitish, velvety sores in the mouth and on the tongue
  • Underneath the spot, tissue is red and may bleed easily
  • Pain
  • Rubbing or scraping of lesion causing slight bleeding
  • Loss of taste
  • A cottony feeling in mouth
  • Redness may be developed under a denture in denture wearers.

How can Oral Thrush be Diagnosed?

Your dentist will examine your mouth and look for the distinctive white lesions on your mouth, tongue, or cheeks. Oral thrush generally does not require laboratory testing. But, he may suggest a microscopic examination of tissue from a lesion to confirm the diagnosis

If he finds that your oral thrush extends into your esophagus, he may order to perform other tests to make the diagnosis such as-
  • Throat culture
  • Endoscopic examination of esophagus, stomach, and small intestine
  • X-rays of esophagus
If your doctor suspects that certain medical conditions are responsible for your oral thrush, he or she will perform a physical exam and suggest other tests.

What can happen if Oral Thrush left untreated?

If you have a compromised immune system, Candida can spread throughout your body and cause following Complications:
  • Meningitis
  • Arthritis
  • Endophthalmitis
  • Esophagitis
  • Spreading of infection to the intestines, making difficult to receive adequate nutrition
  • Endocarditis

What is the way of Oral Thrush Prevention?
  • Try to maintain a good oral hygiene practice. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Follow correct method of brushing. Floss at least once a day.
  • Reduce taking sugar and yeast-containing foods
  • If you smoke, quit
  • Visit your dentist regularly. If you wear dentures or have diabetes, you must see your dentist regularly.
  • If you use corticosteroid inhaler, rinse your mouth with light warm water or brush your teeth after taking your medication.

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Periodontitis is the inflammatory destruction of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone of human. This is almost universal in its occurrence affecting 95% of the population and is ultimately related to plaque and pocket formation. It is the primary cause of tooth loss in adults.

Why and How Does Periodontitis Occurs?

Periodontitis occurs when gingivitis is untreated or treatment is delayed.

But ongoing inflammation eventually Causes pockets to develop between your gums and teeth that fill with plaque, tartar and bacteria. In time, these pockets become deeper and more bacteria accumulate, eventually advancing under your gum tissue. These deep infections cause a loss of tissue and bone. If too much bone is destroyed, you may lose one or more teeth.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of gingivitis or, periodontal disease. For details, please read- Periodontal Disease

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Periodontitis?
  • Bad Breath
  • Swollen gums
  • Shiny gums
  • Bright red or red-purple gums
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Gums those are normally painless but tender when touched.
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Developing of new spaces developing between teeth

When to make an appointment with dentist?

Visit a dentist it you have any signs and symptoms of periodontitis, especially following conditions:
  • Gums that are swollen, sore, dusky red and bleed easily
  • Bad smelling breath or a bad taste develops in the mouth.
  • Painful teeth and gums.
  • Loose teeth or gum recession
Keep in mind that, periodontal disease become worse with time. It may lead to serious complications, if you don’t go to a dentist in time. So, if you have any doubt, seek to a dentist immediately.

How can Periodontitis be Diagnosed?

Dentist will listen to your symptoms, examine your mouth and teeth and look for plaque and plaque and calculus buildup. He will also check for soft, swollen, red-purple bleeding gums. There may be deposits of plaque and calculus at the base of the teeth, with enlarged pockets in the gums. A metal probe may be used by him to measure the depth of the pocket between the teeth and the gums. It help determine the severity of your periodontitis.

He may suggest you to perform a Dental x-rays that is useful to evaluate the teeth, the bones supporting the teeth, and other mouth structures.

What can happen if Periodontitis left untreated?

Serious complications may occurs, if Periodontitis left untreated, even it can be life-threatening. Complications of Periodontitis are-
  • Tooth loss
  • Facial cellulites- infection or abscess of the soft tissue
  • Osteomyelitis- infection of the jaw bones
  • Return of periodontitis
  • Tooth abscess
  • Tooth flaring or shifting
  • Trench mouth
  • There is a possibility of developing several MedicalProblems such as-
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Poorly controlled Diabetes Mellitus
  • Respiratory problems
  • Low birth weight babies

What is the way of Periodontitis Prevention?
  • Maintain a good oral hygiene. See- Oral Hygiene
  • Periodontitis will not occur suddenly. I mentioned above that, first you will get gingivitis and gingivitis is not treated, it may lead to periodontitis. So, you should visit a dentist regularly, detect gingivitis early as possible and treat the gingivitis. It reduces the risk of development of periodontitis. See - Gingivitis.

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Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingiva or gums which is a mild form of Periodontal Disease. Gingivitis is one of the most common Dental Problems. It may be a mild form. But, if it is not treated in time, it can be so severe that it may take your life. So, don’t take it lightly.

Why and How Does Gingivitis Occurs?

Poor Oral Hygiene is the main Cause of gingivitis.

Plaque forms naturally on the teeth all times. If teeth are not cleaned adequately, plaque remains on teeth. Over a period of time, it turns into a hard deposit called tartar or calculus that becomes trapped at the base of the tooth. Tartar is very difficult to remove. You need to see a dentist for removal. Tartar and plaque irritate and inflame the gingiva or gums and cause gingivitis. Amount of damage depends on how long plaque and tartar remain on teeth.

Injury to the gums from any reason can also cause it.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of gingivitis or, periodontal disease. For details, please read- Periodontal Disease

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gingivitis?
  • Bleeding gums
  • Appearance of gums- Bright red or red-purple in color, swollen and shiny
  • Gums are normally painless but tender when touched.
  • Mouth Sores

When to make an appointment with dentist?

Gingivitis is not like other Medical Problems that you will visit a doctor when you have symptoms. To prevent it, you need periodic visit to your dentist (every 6 month). This will help prevent complications of gingivitis. You should go to your dentist immediately if you notice any signs and symptoms of gingivitis, especially red, swollen, painful, bleeding gums.

How can Gingivitis be Diagnosed?

The dentist will take your medical and dental history. He will listen to symptoms described by you and examine your teeth, gums, mouth  and tongue. He will check your gums for redness, puffiness and easy bleeding. The gums may be painless or mildly tender. He will also look at the base of the teeth for plaque and calculus. A probe can be used to examine your gums. It helps to determine if you have gingivitis or periodontitis.

Dental x-rays may be done that is useful to evaluate the teeth, the bones supporting the teeth, and other mouth structures.

What can happen if Gingivitis left untreated?

Serious complications may occurs, if it left untreated, even it can be life-threatening. Complications of Gingivitis are-

What is the way of Gingivitis Prevention?
  • The best way to prevention is maintaining a good oral hygiene. For details, see- Oral Hygiene
  • Regular dental follow-up
  • Treatment of underlying illnesses that may causes gingivitis

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Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Bruxism or, Teeth Grinding is a condition in which someone grind, gnash or and clench his/her teeth from time to time. Usually people perform it unconsciously which does not cause harm commonly. But when it occurs on a regular basis, it can lead to damaged teeth or, other Dental Problems.

Why do people grind their teeth?

Although teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth.

Actual cause is unclear. Possible Causes may include:
  • Daily stress
  • Anxiety or tension
  • Frustration or, suppressed anger
  • Aggressive, hyperactive or, competitive personality type
  • Response to pain from an earache or teething (in children)
  • Malocclusion
  • Sleep problems
  • Sleeping habits
  • Diet
  • Posture

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism?
Grinding often occurs at night during sleep. So, most people are unaware about it. Many can not even realize it when perform in day. You can ask your nearest one to observe it and stop you when you do it. Symptoms of bruxism may include:
  • Toothache
  • Teeth Grinding or clenching sound which others can hear (but, sound is not loud)
  • Looseness or aching in the teeth after waking up
  • A dull, constant headache
  • Jaw pain
  • Tightness in jaw muscles and in the face
  • Tired jaw muscles
  • Earache
  • Generalized facial pain
  • Indentations on tongue
  • Damage on the inside of cheek                        
  • Worn down, flattened, chipped or, fractured tooth
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Tooth Sensitivity

When to make an appointment with dentist?

If you have following conditions, you should see a dentist-
  • TMJ symptoms
  • Having trouble eating
  • Having trouble opening your mouth
  • Pain in your jaw, face or ear
  • Worn, damaged or sensitive teeth
  • If you know from others that you have grinding habit.
If you see that your child has signs or symptoms of bruxism, visit a dentist.

How can Bruxism be Diagnosed?

Dentist will first ask if anyone notice your grinding sound or not. He will look for signs of bruxism. He will check for tooth fractures, tooth sensitivity, unusual wear and tear on your teeth. If you have dental restorations such as crown, he may look for its breakdown or loss. During examination he may find other disorders such as dental disorders, ear disorders e. g. ear infections, problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). If he confirm that, you have bruxism, he will several related questions to determine the cause. If necessary, he may suggest you to perform a dental X-ray.

What are the Complications of Bruxism?

Normally it does not cause any serious complications. But, in severe cases Complications of Bruxism may be:

What is the way of Bruxism Prevention?
  • Reduce stress.
  • Manage anxiety.
  • Listen to music, take a warm bath or exercise regularly to relax yourself.
  • Don't foods and drinks that contain caffeine after dinner.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid chewing gum.
  • Do not chew on nails, pencils or pens or anything that is not food.
  • Hold a warm washcloth against your cheek in front of your earlobe at night to relax your jaw muscles.
  • You can not notice your teeth grinding during sleeping. It may not possible to realize yourself that you grind teeth even you are awake. So, the best way is to say your near one to notice your teeth grinding and stop you. But, if you live alone, you should visit a dentist regularly.

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Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease or, Gum disease is an infection that affects the tissues and bones that surround and support the teeth. Gum disease can be divided into following two stages-

Why Does Periodontal Disease occurs?

  • Primary cause is plaque deposition due to poor Oral Hygiene.
  • Other factors that can increase the risk of Periodontal Disease are- 
  1. Stress factor
  2. Smokinɡ habits or, chewing tobacco
  3. Hormonal changes
  4. Heredity
  5. Congenital disorders
  6. Blood dyscrasias
  7. General illness
  8. Uncontrolled diabetes, AIDS, or leukemia
  9. Medications e.g. phenytoin, birth control pills etc
  10. Misaligned teeth
  11. Rough edges of fillings
  12. A poor diet that's low in nutrients
  13. Ill-fitting or unclean mouth appliances

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Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity is experiencing pain or discomfort in one or more teeth that is induced by cold, hot, sweet, or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing cold air. It is a very common problem that affects approximately half the population. This problem may come and go over time.

Why it occurs?

When the dentin becomes exposed (underlying layer of teeth) as a result of receding gum tissue, tooth sensitivity occurs. The roots contain small pores or tiny tubules which lead directly to the nerve of the tooth. Stimuli reach the nerve through these dentinal tubules. Another thing is that, the root is not covered by enamel. So, when gum tissue is removed and root is exposed, stimuli (hot, cold, or sweet food) trigger the tooth nerve and results in pain or discomfort. Factors (Causes) that may lead to sensitive teeth may include:
  • Brushing to hard or with too much pressure
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Aging
  • Taking foods with a high acid content regularly
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Presence of plaque on the root surfaces
  • Broken, chipped, cracked or fractured teeth
  • Nerve damage in the root
  • Tooth whitening products
  • Tooth Caries
  • Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
  • Periodontal Disease
  • Tooth Erosion
  • Long term use of mouthwashes
  • Routine dental procedures- following teeth cleaning, filling, root planning, crown placement, and tooth restoration (temporarily, no need to worry)
  • Decreased saliva flow

How to Prevent it?

Ways of Prevention are-
  • See dentist at regular intervals
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush
  • Maintain good Oral Hygiene
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste
  • Reduce taking highly acid foods
  • Avoid teeth grinding
  • Avoid brushing teeth for at least 1 hour after taking erosive food or drink e.g. fruits, salads and sports drinks (you may rinse with water/ fluoride solution instead of brushing)
  • Treatment of other Dental Problems that may cause tooth sensitivity
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Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Medically Bad Breath is called Halitosis. It is characterized by unpleasant smell on breath which can be embarrassing. It can result from poor oral hygiene, or other dental problems or medical problems.

Why it occurs?

Causes are-
  • Poor dental hygiene- not brushing or flossing teeth thoroughly for which food can get stuck between teeth
  • Foods with strong odors e.g. onions and garlic, spicy foods, alcoholic drinks, some cheeses, fish, tea, coffee, some medicines etc (temporary)
  • Dry mouth or xerostomia
  • Low carbohydrate diets
  • Fasting or Crash dieting
  • Smoking or chewing tobacco-based products
  • Breathing through mouth at night
  • If you use dentures or dental appliances and food particles are not properly cleansed from the appliances, it can cause bad breath.

Following medical disorders may cause bad breath

What are the Symptoms?

  • Offensive odor or, bad breath smell from the mouth is the main symptoms. But, it is difficult to realize if you have it or not. Reason is, it's hard to assess the smell of your own breath. So, you can ask your nearest one.
  • Taste changes or, unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Coating on the tongue
  • Dry mouth

How to Prevent it?

Ways of Prevention are-
  • Good Oral Hygiene practice
  • Stop smoking or, chewing tobacco-based products
  • See your dentist regularly
  • Drink plenty of water
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Tooth Erosion

Tooth Erosion is the loss of tooth structure or, wearing away of tooth enamel by acid. It is an irreversible loss. It is not same as Tooth Caries.

Why it occurs?

Causes are-
  • Taking excessive acidic foods and drinks (the most common cause)
  • Swish acidic liquids around or keep them in your mouth
  • Brushing to hard or with too much pressure
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush


What are the Signs and Symptoms?

  • Discoloration or yellowing of the teeth
  • Sand blasted appearance of teeth or transparent appearance of the tips of the front teeth
  • Rounded appearance of teeth
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Cracked teeth
  • Appearing of dents on the biting areas of the teeth


How to Prevent it?

Ways of Prevention are-
  • Avoid brushing teeth for at least 1 hour after taking erosive food or drink e.g. fruits, salads and sports drink.
  • Reduce drinking carbonated drinks; use a straw when drinking carbonated beverages or other sweet drinks or, natural fruit juices.
  • Reduce taking highly acid foods
  • Do not swish acidic liquids around or keep them in your mouth while taking them
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush
  • Maintain good Oral Hygiene
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Toothache is pain around the teeth and jaw usually due to Dental Problems. Sometimes, it can be due to pain in other parts of the body. Pain can be mild to severe.

Why it occurs?

Causes are-
  • Tooth Caries (common)
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Tooth fracture
  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
  • Tooth root sensitivities
  • Injury to the jaw or mouth
  • Gum disease
  • Impaction & eruption
  • A damaged filling
  • Repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding teeth

Pain in tooth can be produced for other Medical Problems such as-
  • Earache
  • Throat pain
  • Sinusitis
  • Heart attack

What are the Symptoms?

  • Common- tooth and jaw pain which can be sharp, throbbing, or constant
  • Pain with chewing
  • Severe pain to pressure
  • Hot or cold sensitivity
  • Bleeding or discharge from around a tooth or gums
  • Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth
  • Swelling around a tooth or jaw
  • Injury to the area
  • Fever or headache

As it is caused by other Dental Problems, you may have other symptoms, too. Click the problems mentioned above (in causes of toothache) to know it.

How to Prevent it?

Ways of Prevention are-
  • See your dentist before problems getting worse.
  • Maintain good Oral Hygiene.
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Cold Sores

Cold Sores or Fever Blisters are small, painful, fluid-filled blisters or lesions on the lips, mouth, or nose caused by virus.

Why it occurs?

Herpes simplex virus type 1 is usually responsible for cold sores. Herpes simplex virus type 2 can also cause sores around the mouth. It can be transmitted from affected person to the person who does not have it by shared eating utensils, razors and towels etc.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

  • Tingling, burning, itching, tenderness, numbness, or pain in the affected area, about 6 to 48 hours before a cold sore appear (called the prodromal stage)
  • Tingling or itching on the lips or mouth (before cold sores appear)
  • Red or fluid-filled, small, painful blisters or lesions on the lips, mouth, or nose, sometimes, on your nostrils, chin or fingers.
  • Fever and swollen neck glands (only during first outbreak)
  • Eating, drinking, and sleeping uncomfortable
  • A Sore Throat
  • Usual duration- 10 to 14 days
  • First outbreak is more severe than later outbreak and sores may spread to any part of the mouth. But, when you are first infected with HSV, you may not develop the sores.
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Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores)

Canker Sores, also known as Aphthous Ulcers, are small, shallow lesions on the mucous membranes inside the mouth. It is one of the most common Dental Problems. They occur on the mucous membranes inside the mouth. They are different from Cold Sore. They don't occur on the surface of your lips and are not cancerous. They are common form of mouth ulcer.

Why it occurs?

Exact cause is unknown. People who have Aphthous Ulcers do not have another problem as the cause. There are several factors which are thought to be the cause of this.
The factors may be-
  • Hereditary
  • Environmental
  • Impaired immune system
  • Food allergies
  • Food sensitivities
  • Emotional stress
  • Anxiety
  • Smokinɡ cessation
  • Hormonal changes during menstruation
  • Lack of vitamin B-12, folic acid, zinc, or iron in diet
  • Bacteria- Helicobacter pylori
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases e.g. ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • Toothpastes and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Celiac disease

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

  • Canker sores occur on the inner surface of tongue, soft palate, lips, cheeks, and the base of the gums. Appearance of this spot is round or oval with a red border and a white or yellow center. It is painful.
  • Tingling or burning sensations prior to the appearance of the sores
  • Pain may increase when eating or talking

Less common symptoms-
  • Fever
  • Discomfort or uneasiness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
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Lavender Pepper Recipe

Dried Lavender Blossoms

Lavender pepper is one of those designer spice blend that's gained prominence in the last couple of years. It actually makes a very nice seasoning for beef, chicken and especially seafood. I particularly like it on shrimp. Lavender actually works surprisingly well with pepper. It offers a flowery note that stands up to the peppery bite without tasting bitter.

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Why Herbs are Cool Again

I ran into an old work friend at my local garden center yesterday. She was interested in planting a few herbs in her garden this season. She isn't a great herb enthusiast or a lover of the cozy cottage garden look in outdoor landscaping. She isn't a dedicated cook, either.

She shared some interesting information about herself I didn't know before: She cooks almost exclusively on weekends
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