


Invisalign vs. traditional braces

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Although modern orthodontics was invented not until the beginning of the 17th century, date of dental braces to ancient times. Aristotle, Hippocrates and other historical characters considered and designed the first systems to help people to fix or straighten their teeth. Instead of the metal strips that are used today, early orthodontics used catgut, a natural fiber made of animal intestine to redress and to fill gaps in the teeth.

Braces as we know and hate them today were invented in the early 19th century. Since that time, metal braces were teeth straightening system of choice for Orthodontists all over the world. They can be used to fix a myriad of dental problems, surocclusions and malocclusions of diastemas (gaps) and other aesthetic issues. Parents and their children hate, but for different reasons.

Parents cannot support them because they are expensive, and children hate braces because they are uncomfortable and unsightly. Just about every carrier of reinforcements has been called a "cross face" or a "metal mouth" at one time or another. As we all know, kids can be cruel and metal reinforcements give them all the ammunition they need to launch an unprovoked attack.

Cosmetic alternative to traditional braces have existed for decades. These "clear" braces are cemented on the back instead of the front teeth, making them invisible to observers. In addition to being more expensive, these clear braces are also much more likely to cause irritation to the language, since the brackets and wires are inside the teeth near the language.

What is Invisalign?

As we have seen, braces have limits. The traditional system is unsightly and the more modern alternative causes oral irritation, which can lead to pain, cuts and even infections. Fortunately, there's another option that does not rely on the wires and the metal brackets and is therefore much more comfortable.

Invisalign is a new tooth straightening of systems that uses custom gutters that gradually move your smile in his place. These aligners are made of smooth, comfortable and almost undetectable plastic which are worn on your teeth, to ensure that your treatment is finished.

How does it work?

With traditional braces, your dentist or orthodontist must make regular adjustments based on your progress. In most cases, he or she to fasten the cables periodically to speed up the process of straightening. But this is not necessary or even possible with Invisalign. Instead, the patient receives just a new set of aligners when necessary, often every two weeks. Just jump in and wear them until your teeth move enough to require a new set of aligners.

Apart from the obvious aesthetic advantages, Invisalign is functionally superior. You will not have to worry about your favorite food getting caught in wires or your shoulder mounts, making them even more horror. Because the aligners are removable, this new system allows you to eat the food that you come at any time. You can also brush and floss normally, which can be a chore with regular braces. Last but not least, smooth plastic trays of Invisalign do not irritate the gums and cheeks as traditional braces can and often do.

Much more comfortable and more attractive than traditional braces, Invisalign is a new orthodontic system which can be applied without delay by Mr. evil Braverman. Cosmetic dentist New York City leader, Mr. Braverman may determine if Invisalign is the appropriate treatment for you. For more information, please visit its Web site at

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