


Discuter avec un spécialiste des Implants dentaires

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People with a tooth or teeth, especially if it is in front, can become embarrassed to smile and even speak, which may affect the social part of their life. There are a few reasons that a person can lose a permanent tooth or teeth, and should consider treatment of Austin dental implants. This can be a trauma, tooth decay, gum disease and even age. It may be noted that some of these causes are beyond the control of the individual, but, no matter what the reason, it is important to have the replaced.

This is not just for the appearance of her smile but for the function of it as well as to replace a missing tooth or teeth. There are different treatments for missing teeth, such as bridges, dentures and even Austin dental implants and to see what treatment is best for you, we should talk about with a cosmetic dental specialist who will evaluate your condition.

Reasons to consider Dental Implants

Missing a tooth or teeth can cause irregular bite. It can also change the eating habits that can lead to other health conditions. There are a number of reasons a person who has lost one or more of their permanent teeth should speak with a dental implant specialist in Austin.

Another factor why should be considered a treatment of dental implants to replace the tooth or missing teeth as accelerated bone loss and gum recession can be reduced to its natural process. You see the body with age, bone density naturally loses, this includes the bones of the jaw, but when a tooth is missing, the maxillary bone density decreased at a faster pace. The gums through a process of natural recession which also gets accelerated upwards when a tooth is missing. This acceleration can affect the gums and the bone of the adjacent tooth and get to move, move and even fall.

A glance in a dental implant procedure

Treatment of dental implant Austin is a good solution to replace a missing tooth or teeth because it makes fun of a real dent in function, size and color even when the procedure is performed by a dental professional cosmetic experienced. A dental implant is a surgical procedure that requires specialized education and training, experience a more professional, the better chance of a very effective treatment that will be permanently rectify its condition, aesthetically and function wise capacity.

This artificial treatment begins with an assessment. After which it is established that a person is an acceptable candidate for this treatment, the specialist surgically place a titanium post in the patient's jaw bone. There's a necessary necessary healing process after the establishment of the post.

Meanwhile, the dental implant specialist in Austin will be having a custom made artificial wreath to be placed at the top of the post in the second stage of treatment. This Crown will match the rest of the teeth in size and color, so no one will be able to detects it is artificial.

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