


General Dental and preventive dentistry - what does it mean?

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General dentistry is the dental care for people of all ages. It includes diagnosis and treatment of your dental health in general. In the event that you require specialized treatment, a general dentist may refer you to a specialist to undergo the procedure. Preventive Dentistry on the other hand is the care of your teeth to prevent diseases of the gums, tooth decay and other dental problems.

Preventive care includes brushing your teeth every day with fluoride toothpaste, and sometimes have a periodic cleaning at the dentist is using special rinses and gels. It is also necessary to use dental floss daily, and where you have brakes, you can use silk threads to clean spaces within the apparatus. Used mouth guards to prevent sports trauma are incorporated into preventive care. A balanced diet is a sure way to ensure good dental health that gives your body (including teeth) the nutrients it requires to be in top form.

Services offered

Dentist general and preventive offers a wide range of services, including implants dental, dentures, oral surgery or even treatment of gum disease. Root canal treatment is the treatment for the infection found in the center of the tooth. This infection, caused by bacteria in the mouth, reaches the tooth when a filling is filtered or decayed tooth. Gum disease can include simple rubber pain, or it could be the most severe form that damages the bone and tissue supporting the teeth, sometimes leads to loss of teeth. The dentist can deal with diseases of the gums by a deep cleaning, which consists of brushing the root or scaling. In extreme cases, it can recommend surgery.

Cosmetic procedures

Dental dentistry and general prevention also deals with cosmetic procedures. One of these procedures is the use of invisalign, which is a modern way to straighten your teeth using clear plastic aligner trays. When using metal braces, a visit to the dentist tightened the cables but with invisalign, dentist gives you a new set of aligners for use. These aligners are mild, making them very comfortable to wear.

On the other hand, dental implants, they are made of titanium, used to replace the root of the tooth. This root can then hold an artificial tooth that replaces a lost natural tooth. Veneers can be used to enhance your appearance. They are very fine materials made of porcelain or resin, placed on the surface of the teeth. Teeth whitening procedures are also performed to improve your appearance by removing the discoloration of the teeth.

Dental anxiety

Dental anxiety occurs when you have a bad experience to the dentist, or purely due to fear and are therefore eager to go to have dental checkups or procedures. This is dangerous to your health as dental disease can affect the rest of the body. Dental dentistry and general prevention is intended to help patients with this type of anxiety provides effective pain control and ensuring that the patient is as comfortable as possible before proceeding with any procedure.

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