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The Problem with multiple vaccinesThere is growing concern among parents regarding the number of vaccines that children now receive. Children are required by government schools to have completed the required vaccines prior to enrolling in school. The list of required vaccines continues rising, along with the costs. The number of vaccines raises concerns about safety and reasons for the large numbers of vaccines.
To put the situation in perspective consider that about one hundred years ago, children received a single vaccine for smallpox. Over time, the number of vaccines increased to five, which was about forty five years ago. These five vaccines were for diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, polio, and smallpox. In the past forty years the number doubles to where today's children receive 11 routine vaccines. Many of the vaccines are in the form of multiple shots.
Increasing costs of vaccines
In the early 1980's the cost to immunize a child with the required vaccines was $75 to $100. Not only has the number of vaccines doubled, the cost has more than doubled. Presently the cost of obtaining the recommended vaccines is about $1,250. Even accounting for inflation, the increase in cost is dramatic. The cost is about to become more for teenage girls. The vaccination that reportedly protects against cervical cancer costs about $360 for a three dose series, which raises the total for the vaccines to about $1600. Although the number of shots has been reduced, the combination shots make it difficult to trace down which shot children are experiencing a reaction to when there are side effects.
Number of Antigens Children are exposed to
Part of the reason for the increased costs is that many of these vaccinations are for multiple antigens. (An antigen is a compound which when introduced into your body stimulates your immune system to produce chemical substances called 'anti-bodies'. These antibodies are instructed to either kill or neutralize any substance they consider a 'threat'.)
The combination shots increase the cost of the vaccines. One of the reasons for the combo shots is an effort to reduce the number of physical injections the child receives. In terms of the number of chemicals injected into the developing bodies of children is amazing.. When a girl receives all doses of all the recommended vaccines, the number of antigens received is 156 in the form of 45 shots. Boys, on the other hand receive 144 vaccine antigens in about 42 injections.
Think about that for a moment. When you follow the vaccine schedule, you are introducing 144-156 alien chemicals into your child's developing body. Since they are vaccines, these chemicals are injected into the body and bypass the natural defenses of the body. You might consider it foolish to take your infant through 150 different chemical plants so that they could be exposed to those substances, yet when you follow the schedule, you are taking similar action. If your child is sensitive or allergic to many foreign chemicals, the introduction of this many chemicals in so short a time span is asking for trouble.
The government recommends many vaccinations. The required vaccinations include: hepatitis A and B; inactivated poliovirus (IPV); rotavirus; haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib); measles, mumps, rubella (MMR); pneumococcal conjugate (PCV); varicella (chickenpox); influenza; and diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP). In addition, there is Tdap - tetanus diphtheria and acellular pertussis vaccine and meningitis vaccine (MCV4) for those entering high school.
Vaccine Reactions
Researches have documented reactions to the pertussis and chicken pox vaccines. The danger with the chicken pox is that many of those vaccinated develop shingles within 10 years of the vaccination.
Vaccination has been cited as one of the ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. However, it doesn't require an advanced degree in science to grasp that the public health accolades, celebrating high vaccination rates and low infection rates, have lead to serious health consequences across the globe. Among those consequences are biological reactions to vaccine ingredients. Vaccine ingredients seem to be playing a substantial role in some of today's health problems.
Sometimes it is the additives to the vaccines that create problems rather than the vaccines themselves. Gelatin, one of many ingredients often used has been documented to cause allergies and asthma. Vaccines known to contain gelatin include chickenpox, MMR, Boostrix (a pertussis booster for teens), Tripedia (DTaP) and Zostrix which is the vaccine used for adult shingles.
Formaldehyde is another dangerous additive. It is used to inactivate some of the bacteria in the vaccines. It has also been found to interrupt the normal function of the immune system. Although the CDC site downplays the exposure and danger of formaldehyde, the National Cancer Institute identifies it as 'known human carcinogen'. Formaldehyde, besides being a preservative for lab specimens, can cause watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes and throat, nausea, difficulty in breathing and asthma attacks. The chemical is categorized as a hazardous chemical on eight federal regulatory lists. With the current vaccine children receive more than ten times the recommended safe amounts. Vaccines containing formaldehyde include DTaP, polio, and influenza.
MSG is another common additive. MSG is added to 'stabilize' the vaccines. MSG is often used as a flavor enhancer, yet in some populations, the substance agitates the neural system. MSG is considered by many to be an excitotoxin due to the way it agitates or ' 'excites' the nervous system.
Egg proteins are also contained in some vaccines. Although government sites downplay the potential reaction, people who are allergic to egg proteins may react to these substances.
Another type of additive in many vaccines are adjuvats. These are chemical substances used to enhance the potency of the vaccine chemicals. The adjuvats amplify the effects of the vaccine. There are many types of chemicals used to increase the potency of vaccines. Variations of aluminum salts are often used in human based vaccines. At times, oil based adjuvats are included in vaccines. One of the controversial ones is squalene. Squalene triggers a strong auto-immune response to antibodies. Squalene is controversial in many circles. According to the CDC, no vaccines produced in the US contain squalene.
"There is no squalene in any FDA-approved vaccine in the US. There is no squalene in any kind of seasonal flu vaccine or in the H1N1 vaccine."-Patricia El-Hinnawy
This is in contradiction to the statements of vaccine manufacturers. One spokesmen at GlaxoSmithKline, claims that its vaccines do have squalene.
"A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster production of desired vaccine quantities."-Meryl Nass, MD
With all the controversy, it behooves parents to consider the old Latin phrase, "Let the buyer beware". You will need to investigate matters yourself and find medical information you trust.
Follow the Money
The sales figures for preventative vaccines in 2007 amounted to $16.3 billion. This is an increase from the $11.7 billion generated in 2006. Since many vaccines are mandated by governments, the likelihood of the sales declining is low. The portion of these numbers that were for pediatric vaccines was $8 billion.
Jeff Murrah, LPC, LMFT, LCDC is a counselor with over 30+ years of experience in dealing with addictions and mental health issues, including reactions vaccine reactions. His experience has led to the writing of this and other articles on similar issues. He can be reached at
Article by : Jeffrey Murrah, Source:
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