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How to maintain healthy skin
Time is the enemy of us all, and no one is going to be able to escape the effects of time if they're lucky enough to live a long and fruitful life. This means that your skin is eventually going to sag and wrinkle. The good news, though, is that you can prolong this process by simply taking great care of your skin. Read the article below to find out some great tips you can use to prolong the inevitable.On the surface, you might think that oil will actually damage your skin by clogging up your pores and causing dirt to become trapped inside. Well, using oil lightly is really a great way to prolong the aging process. If you apply just a bit of oil under your eyes and on your cheeks every night, you can help to prevent wrinkles and the other signs of aging. Just make sure that you're using an organic oil that was designed for facial use. Don't break into the bottle of canola oil for this.
Collagen is a natural substance found in the body. It's part of what keeps your skin tight and youthful looking. So when you're shopping around for a product to use on your face, make sure it has some collagen in it. That being said, it's always important that you focus on the other ingredients. Collagen is important, but you shouldn't purchase anything if it's not also an organic product all around.
Some of the best advice you can ever use when it comes to prolonging the appearance of aging is to actually stay in good general health. Instead of throwing a bunch of products on your face, you can really keep great-looking skin by making sure to take different antioxidants and vitamins. Try pomegranate juice, blueberries and leafy greens for antioxidants. And for vitamins, make sure you're getting enough of vitamins A, C and E in your system.
The words acid and face shouldn't be put together in the same sentence a lot, unless you're talking about hyaluronic acid. This isn't a harsh acid; it's similar to the acid you would find in some citrus fruits or vinegar, only not as strong. Using products containing small levels of this acid is a great way to get rid of dirt and grit and dead skin cells. It will also react with your skin and help to keep it looking tight and exuberant.
Did you know that you can get a sunburn in the wintertime? You can even get harmful sun when it's cloudy out! UV rays aren't very good for you at all. They will cause your skin to become weak and damaged and can even cause more serious issues with prolonged exposure. So if you're going outside, make a habit out of applying a layer of sunscreen to the exposed areas of your skin. It's a preemptive measure that works well.
Following the tips from this article will help you to stay young looking and vibrant for years to come. Age is eventually going to catch up with you, but you have the power to put it off for a while.
Article by : Krisanto Lin, Source:
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