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What is Coronary Heart Disease or Coronary Artery Disease?
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)is a narrowing or blockage of the major blood vessels that supply blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart. CHD is also called Coronary Artery Disease. Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease and the single most important cause of death, not only in United States but also in Europe, the Baltic States, Russia, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand. By 2020 it is estimated that it will be the major cause of death in all regions of the world. It affects about 13 million people in the United States.
Why and How Does Coronary Heart Disease Occur?
What are the Coronary Artery Disease or Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms?
Sometimes people may have coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease but there may be no symptoms. You can realize it after significant damage to your health is done. So, early detection is important. That’s why, you should always be careful. Common coronary heart disease symptoms are-
- Chest pain or angina- It is the most common symptom of coronary artery disease or coronary heart disease. You feel this pain when the heart does not get enough blood or oxygen, you may feel pain or pressure or tightness in your chest like someone is squeezing your heart or someone is standing on your chest. This pain is called angina. Physical or emotional stress can trigger the pain. It typically goes away within minutes with rest or a medicine. It can be felt under your sternum or breast bone, sometimes in your neck, arms, jaw, stomach, or upper back.
- Shortness of breath on exertion
- Palpitations
- Irregular heartbeat
- Weakness on exertion or at rest
- Heart attack- When a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, you may have a heart attack.
When to make an appointment with doctor?
In early-stage coronary heart disease you may have no symptoms. But, if you have any risk factors, you should consult with a doctor and find out that if you have it or not. If you have any symptom, you must call a doctor. Immediately contact your health care provider if you have angina or chest pain, shortness of breath and symptoms of a heart attack.
How can Coronary Heart Disease be Diagnosed?
Doctor will take a medical history, do a physical exam, discuss symptoms, listen to the heart, and perform basic screening tests such as weight, blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and fasting blood glucose levels.
Other important diagnostic tests for coronary heart disease that doctor may suggest are-
- Echocardiogram
- Resting and exercise Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Treadmill exercise stress test
- Coronary angiography/arteriography
- CT angiography
- Heart CT scan
- Magnetic resonance angiography
- Radionuclide scans
- Electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT)
What can Happen if Coronary Heart Disease Left Untreated?
Different complications may occur. Coronary heart disease Complications are-
- Angina
- Heart attack
- Arrhythmia
- Heart failure
How can Coronary Heart Disease be Treated?
There are many ways by which coronary heart disease can be treated. The choice of Coronary Heart Disease Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Treatment usually involves lifestyle changes, drug therapy and surgical procedures. Depending on the severity of the disease doctor will choose the treatment option. But, it requires lifelong care.
Lifestyle changes are the most useful way to prevent it. People with less severe coronary heart disease may gain adequate control through it and also prevent the disease from developing. It includes-
- Lose excess weight
- Do not smoke
- Have a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet
- Exercise regularly
- Reduce stress
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Control high blood pressure and diabetes
But, if making lifestyle changes isn't enough to control your heart disease, medications may be needed.
Surgeries and other procedures used to treat coronary heart disease include:
- Coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
- Stent placement
- Coronary artery bypass surgery
- Atherectomy
- Brachytherapy
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