


Get adequate Prenatal Dental care

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Every pregnant woman needs to take care of herself physically and emotionally to help maintain a healthy pregnancy. This can be achieved through proper prenatal care, eating a well-balanced diet and exercise to maintain body fluids and hormones in check. Many people neglect the need for adequate despite the fact that equally important is dental care during and after the period of gestation. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can induce dental complications that can be avoided if the mother sought advice from a dentist.

Dental problems

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, most mothers suffer dental complications. Some may suffer from tooth decay, cavities, and diseases of the gums during pregnancy and may lose several teeth in the process. The best way to avoid such complications is to visit a prenatal doctor or dentist regularly for advice or supplements to cancel these hormones.

Pregnancy gingivitis

Gingivitis is an oral condition characterized by red, swollen gums, extreme sensitivity and bleeding through the gums, most of the time. It is very common in pregnant women, although they can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. This can be achieved through flossing, brushing regularly and have your gums checked and treated for the infection.

Periodontal diseases

Periodontal diseases are mainly caused by an infection from untreated, gingivitis leaving exposed to bacteria from the teeth and gums. It is much worse than the gingivitis, bacteria corroding the gum tissues, and can enter the bloodstream causing more problems. Periodontal disease can also induce labor early because of toxins in the bloodstream. Premature births more are believed to be caused by this, and this can be avoided if one attends antenatal clinics and go to the dentist regularly for professional help.

Tumors of pregnancy

These are non-cancerous growths that may appear on the gums. These are mainly caused by untreated dental plates, or gingivitis. This condition is preventable through prenatal care and dental visits. The tumors eventually naturally go away once the baby is born, but pain may persist until the condition is completely gone.

Improve oral health

Regime of dental hygiene is often administered to pregnant mothers for general improve oral health. Dentists recommend flossing and brushing teeth twice a day to help inhibit gingivitis and other dental conditions.

Some mothers much vomiting during the entire period of gestation. This exposes the enamel of the teeth acids from the stomach that can corrode the conducive to tooth cavities. However this can be avoided by the use of dental floss and rinse the mouth with pure water to get rid of the acid solution from the mouth. Dentist will also recommend toothpaste that does not contain acid solutions which can cause corrosion of enamel.

A proper diet is also recommended for pregnant mothers provide dental care. A way to ensure good oral hygiene is avoiding sweets and sugary foods, and supplements of vitamin C and calcium. The reason for why they should take calcium and vitamin supplements, is because the fetus grows inside drains the body of these essential elements, making the body of the mother susceptible and vulnerable to infections. Since pregnant mothers are not allowed buy medicines over the counter, it is the only way to access these supplements by visiting a dentist, through specialized prenatal care services.

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