


The consequences of a lost tooth and how useful is Dental implant

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There may be more than one reason that result in the loss of a tooth or several teeth. It may be poor oral hygiene or because of an accident or any other tooth and jawbone problems. However, regardless of the reasons that lead to it, the only thing that is sure is decreased aesthetic appeal of the face. It is even more pronounced if the loss of the front side of the teeth. And, once you've lost a tooth, you continue shy smile and badly missing the lost tooth.

Then, after suffering from such loss, everything that concerns us is the decreased aesthetic appeal; Considering that there are many other factors that we should worry about. Dented aesthetics worrying more because it is more prominent and the first thing that comes to the fore. However, the loss of a tooth may have several other impacts in the long term. Some of them are discussed below.

Loss of the mandible: where the tooth is missing space on the jaw goes blank and eventually the jaw begins shrinking in the area. The contraction of the jaw further impairs the structure of the face. Change of teeth: when a tooth is lost, the adjacent teeth begins to change to cover the gap created by the lost tooth. This displacement of the teeth is usually irregular and in most cases can continue to change irrationally. So changing teeth more aesthetically appealing reduction results.

Reduced oral hygiene: the displacement of the teeth and jaw reduction contribute to the formation of irregular set of teeth. Also makes it difficult for people to maintain their reamed teeth clean as the gaps between them increases causing infection and bacterial plaque deposits.

Grinding and Clenching: a missing tooth can hamper the normal teeth set functionality. And over time you will notice how its capacity is largely for chewing, cutting or shredding foods hampered due to the lost tooth.

Jaw pain: Although this is not necessarily to everyone who has lost a tooth, but in some cases, the bone of the jaw back and uneven bite can cause displacement of maxillary bone to a point that you are going to suffer from continuous jaw pain.

All the mentioned problems related to the loss of a tooth usually are witnesses in most cases; However, it is not necessary that you choose to suffer. On the other hand, a simple process of implant that they involve dental crowns and bridges in Delhi can easily put an end to their ordeal. The process of implant dental which is easily available in dental clinics in Delhi can not only restore missing teeth but also avoid that the aforementioned problems. In addition, its aesthetic of the deterioration is saved.

However, that process of implant dental surgeons only orthodontic require expertise and superior from Delhi as the renowned Dr. Anuj Agarwaland others like him must have confidence for this procedure. In the India the implant dental is highly profitable and is offered at a considerably lower price and therefore, India and especially in Delhi is most preferred dental destination for people around the world.

I, Urvi Sharma author of this article. For more information on care of the Oral health andCrown & dental bridges in Delhi visit GreenPark Dental Institute.

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