


How you should not go to the dentist

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Oral and dental hygiene are really important. in fact, I'm not sure if they are not the same thing, but in any case, I am not a doctor to say. We all know it is important to brush teeth, silk and go on the checkups regularly and I'm sure that most people almost regularly, but there is always a place for flexibility. And I'm a living example of this fact.

I brush and floss regularly, but sometimes I forget, cela probably would not be such a problem if it wasn't anxiety that I have every time before visiting my dentist. I plan regular checkups (at least in my calendar), but ultimately I feel so worried of going and sitting in this Chair, that I turned it off for another time.

I am a man grown, after all, but we all have our fears. In any case, I had jumped at least two exams (which would make a little more than a year) when I started to feel this dull pain in my jaw. At the beginning, that I don't have lots of it. I though that it will just pass and it is really about a week and then it came back with vengeance. On the second day of waves of pain followed by waves of bad matte and almost without food, I decided it was time to call my dentist.

I found his card, since I had never bothered to put his number in my phone and called his Office. The image of my surprise when his voice mail informed me that he was using the repairs they've done in his Office to take a weeklong vacation. I felt almost relived that I won't go to the dentist immediately, but the relief was broken that night there when pain in my teeth become almost unbearable.

I searched through my friends on the best dentist in Brooklyn, they know and cited to me by several people to try smart dental clinic. I called regular hour the next day, went out there and in about 40 minutes, that my problem was resolved without me even flinching at any time. In fact, I was surprised that I was given priority for the next day after that I explained my situation.

Since that time I cut into pieces to be more disciplined because it is my health and to change dentists. And I learned the lesson the most important is that you shouldn't take risks with your health in some way.

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